8-10 APRIL 2025 | Fira Barcelona - Gran Vía

Energy self-sufficiency. Platforms, energy and consumer communities

Wed 19 Apr | 16:00 - 16:30

Large industrial buildings are converted into photovoltaic farms. New facilities of this type are inaugurated every day throughout the Iberian Peninsula. In order to know and understand the technical principles and the legislation in this regard, we have defined this session that will include suppliers and beneficiaries of technological solutions for energy self-sufficiency. Looking at the success stories in the private sector, is it possible to create an industrial energy community? We dare to affirm that it is not only possible, but that it will also be essential due to the energy models. To discuss them, we will have companies that provide digital solutions for monitoring energy consumption in real time, as well as users who have begun to implement solutions of this type.

Vittorio Sbarbaro

Vittorio Sbarbaro

Ingeniero energético

SUD Renovables

Antonio Viader

Antonio Viader

Projects Coordinator


Joan Guasch

Joan Guasch

Director - International Development & Public Programmes
