8-10 APRIL 2025 | Fira Barcelona - Gran Vía

Industrial architecture and urbanism. In search of a saaaludable and sustainable manufacturing environment

Wed 19 Apr | 16:30 - 17:15

The digital transformation, which has modified productive equipment and their connectivity, has an impact on the infrastructure that host them. Both industrial ships and the economic area that hosts them

Pere Armora Serrahima

Pere Armora Serrahima

Partner / Director


Eneritz Barreiro Sánchez

Eneritz Barreiro Sánchez

Head of Strategy for Urban Ecosystem

Tecnalia Research & Innovation

Albert Torres Santolaria

Albert Torres Santolaria

PMO Manager

IRIS Technology Solutions

Ferran Bermejo Nualart

Ferran Bermejo Nualart

Technical director